Monday, January 6, 2014

Baby it's cold outside!!!  Many parts of the country are experiencing an extreme cold the likes of which have not been seen in many many years, if ever.  I feel like we are pretty fortunate here in the PNW because although it is cold, it is our normal cold of 20's and 30's.

These temps call for soup.  Tonight I will be having chicken tortilla soup with hominy, avocado & queso fresco.  I have actually started using a recipe and ingredient delivery service called Blue Apron and I love it!!  I have not had a bad meal yet.  I am learning much already in just the short 2 weeks I have used them.  For me I wanted to learn more about herbs and the balance of acid and such in cooking.

So far so yummy!!!!  :-)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

HAPPY 2014!!!

I must say 2013 was a life changing year for me.  Some changes were good and some were not.

I lost my Mom on September 23rd, and having lost Dad in 2004, I was suddenly a 48 year old orphan.  It is a very interesting place to be mentally when you suddenly have no living parents on God's green earth, no matter how old you are.  I have 6 siblings but no one can take the place of a parent.

Speaking of siblings I will be together will all of them except 1 (I will miss you Kevin!!) the end of next week.  It is time to tackle the monumental task of packing up a lifetime that is currently sitting in a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom rambler up on the hill in Milton.  A lifetime created by my Mom and Dad.  To some it would not be much  but to me it is a fortune.  It is years of experiences they shared together.  Gifts received.  Gifts given.  Possessions that traveled across the country when they moved to Washington State when I was 2 years old.  Mind boggling to say the least.

On a better note 2013 was the year that I was blessed with success in my weight loss and quest to a healthier life.  I began using on July 5th and I am down 60 pounds.  I just need to do that very thing 2 more times and I will be very close to goal.  I am doing this crazy plan called eating real food and calorie tracking, drinking water and exercising.  Such a novel concept....who would have thunk it.

Last year I participated in my first ever 5K.  It was held on Thanksgiving day in Elk Grove, CA.  I am at the walking stage but who knows....someday I just might give running a shot.  For now the majority of my exercise is walking and riding my stationary bike that I purchases in September.  This year I will be looking into some weight lifting to go along with the cardio side of things. 

The ultimate health goal for me will be after I have skin surgery and have the lap band that is sitting inside me removed.  I had it completely emptied in August of 2012.  There goes $15,000 down the drain.  Oh well, can't take it with ya, right?  LOL  If going through that experience was part of what led me to where I am was worth every penny.

I am so looking forward to 2014.  I am planning a birthday weekend to my Sister's in Omaha, NE in May.  In late October I will be in Arizona at another Sister's for the MS Walk.  This is gonna be a great year!!!!!!

Elizabeth Ann

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I did get some things from my Mother.

Pineapple Orange Jam!!

Today I made jam.  This is the first time in my life I have attempted to preserve or can anything.  It is magical.  There is something so pure and uplifting about the experience.  My Mom made the most amazing strawberry jam.  I will make some in June....but I doubt it will be as good as hers.  I am glad though that between the gardening and my new interest in canning, I can feel some kind of connection with my Mother.  That does not come easy for me and when it does, it always seems to be so fleeting.

On another note....I have a sick cat.  I hope that the vet can help him.  He is my heart.  Time will surely tell.  I will be taking him in tomorrow.  JC....I love you very much Moo Cow.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Top O' The Mornin' to ya!!


I just finished putting the corned beef, onions, carrots, potatoes and cabbage in the crockpot.  In about 8 hours I will have a Pot O' Gold for dinner!!

I have 4 tomato plants started.  They are seedlings that have barely popped through the peat pods they are planted in....but oh when they grow up the things they will do!!!

Until my garden is up and running I have discovered Bountiful Baskets.  This is a co-op for purchasing fruts and vegetables and it is awesome!!!  Every week is a surprise as to what 4 - 6 fruts and 4 - 6 vegetables you will have waiting for you.  This week we got carrots, potatoes and cabbage in honor of St. Patrick's Day.  I was pretty sure this would happen and I was not mistaken.

I also purchased the extra veggie pack with a mexican theme.  I now have more then enough supplies to make salsa and process some peppers for future cooking.  Between last weeks baskets and this weeks I also have pineapple and oranges and I am contemplating trying my hand at jam.  Wow..this is a really new world for me but I want to give it a try.  I bought a canning pot and rack last week along with the tool kit.  I plan on buying canning jars this weekend and I will be all set to give it a whirl.

Other then that all is going well.  Debt pay off is moving along as scheduled and all in all I am very blessed. 

Here are 2 pictures of all the produce I got for $25.  This stuff is amazing!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wow......over 3 months since I have posted. Yikes!! LOL

As you can see it has been a long time since I posted.  I chuckled when I logged on and saw my last post was about getting going on debt free living.  

Here is an update.  Since 11/11/11 when I started "The 12/12/12 Project" which is based on the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover debt free living lifestyle, I have paid off.....drum roll are not gonna believe ready for it....are you sure.....$10,518.36!!!!!!

That is an amazing amount of debt paid in 3 1/2 months time on a single salary that is also paying a home mortgage and supporting a grown unemployed son.

I am very proud of this accomplishment so far.  I am actually ahead of schedule and as it stands have set a new goal for myself to be debt free by 10/31/12.  

If you want to know more about how this was accomplished or need information on how you can do this too.....message me.  I would love to share it with you!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Life is good...

There is so much to be grateful for, and I am.

I have flirted with living debt free for about 4 years now.  I even got pretty darn close once, but it is a total commitment and a slippery slope once you falter.  I am now doing it and this time it is very much for real.  My debt free date is 12/12/12.  Although I will not be putting detailed numbers here I can tell you that this is definitely going to require sacrifice on my part.  I am willing to do what I have to do for now and live like no one else, so that later I can live like no one else.  :-)

My 2013 goal will be a fully funded emergence fund (FFEF) and that will be another 12 month proposition.  I am a believer in Dave Ramsey and his Total Money Makeover and that is the program I am using. 

Life is good....and I am grateful.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Been a long time since I rocked and

Haven't been here in ages but decided this would be a good place to log some garden activity.

Today I planted garlic (spanish roja) and shallots (French red).  Cleaned out the beds and whiskey barrel and now I dream of spring.  Lots of planning to do before then....this next years garden will be my first that is this large and with this much variety......and  it is going to rock!!!  :-)